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How Will The Coronavirus Affect Energy Usage?

April 23, 2020

How Will The Coronavirus Affect Energy UsageThe novel coronavirus is affecting everything around us from the restaurant industry to the local public school system. People are out of work and confined to their homes for an indefinite period of time. This virus has impacted every aspect of our economy, but perhaps that is not all that is really going to be affected. For example, many might be wondering just how the virus is affecting our overall energy usage.

Consider the sudden shift that has been made in our energy usage with the onset of this virus. Here are just a few things that experts are speculating about right now:


Industrial and Commercial Usage

Many industrialized countries are accustomed to using a significant amount of energy each day. It is spread out across all sectors from industrial to residential with special categories included for transportation and commercial areas. With people being laid off from their jobs at alarming rates, there is a possibility that some of these sectors will see less than half of their usual energy expenditures. 

Take the United States for example. Their industrial, transportation, and commercial industries are all being impacted by government shutdowns. Experts are predicting that they may use less than half of their usual energy for a shutdown that could last up to one full quarter. This could cut their energy usage by roughly 15 quadrillion BTU. 

If you aren’t an expert electrician and don’t really understand what that means, you aren’t alone. In other words, this means that the energy industry might see a $400 billion decrease in spending. 


Residential Usage 

On the other hand, people are spending more time at home. They are trying to find better things to do with themselves. This can include browsing the internet, streaming their favourite shows, and combing through social media for the latest updates. At first glance, you may not think much about this sudden shift. After all, how much energy could these endeavors really use up? 

However, it is using more energy than you think. The data centres and server farms that are used to stream this type of data are responsible for a lot of our energy usage. They produce a great deal of carbon dioxide and expend a lot of energy. This means that while we are losing energy in the commercial sector, we are making up for it in the residential one. 

Keep in mind that people are also using less energy for transportation since they are not heading into the office each day or going shopping. 


Calling in Electricians

Maintaining your electricity at home is going to be vital during this time. It can help you maintain your sanity and give you something to do with your time. If you find that you need a bit of help with your electricity, whether that means installing a new router or spreading out the electrical load in your living room, be sure to give your local Winnipeg electrician a call. Powertec Electric is ready and waiting to help you, even during these uncertain times! 

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