Height Requirements For Electrical Switches In Canada

June 26, 2024
Height Requirements For Electrical Switches In Canada

In Canada, there is no rule for how high electrical switches must be. The Canadian Electrical Code provides many rules and regulations governing electrical circuits, but they’ve opted not to put in strict height requirements to allow electricians to modify the location of switches; this allows electricians to tailor their work to different occupancies. Individuals who have impaired mobility, for example, may not be able to access switches that are high up off the ground; lower switches can make their lives easier.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the recommendations for electrical switch heights in Canada:

Standard Light Switch Height Requirements

With no set rules in our local building codes, how high should a light switch be?

Typically, light switches are located 120 cm (4 feet) from the floor. This gives most people the ability to access the light switch without any difficulty. Codes in other regions (like California) can be stricter than the codes in Canada, which may be why some Canadians believe there are strict requirements for light switch heights here. 

Edge Cases and Other Situations

Kitchen Light Switches

In kitchens, countertops and other obstacles may impede access to light switches. To help remedy this, light switches should be located at least 15 cm (half a foot) above the countertop. Ideally, this will still place the light switch about 120 cm above the floor. 

Best Height for Accessibility

When designing an electrical system for people with impaired mobility, it may be best to lower the height of electrical switches—though this depends on the nature of their impairment. For people who use wheelchairs, consider lowering the height of electrical switches to 90-100 cm above the floor (about 3 to 3½ feet). 

Switches To Disconnect Furnaces

While there are no specific rules regarding the height of furnace disconnect switches, all furnace disconnect switches must be located so that:

  • They can be readily accessed without having to go near or pass by the furnace
  • They are within sight, and within 9 metres of the furnace

This means the furnace disconnect switch must be unobstructed, and typically located near the entrance of the room where the furnace is located. 

Garbage Disposals

Garbage disposal switches should be located near the garbage disposal; they’re typically placed in the cabinet under the sink or on the backsplash. When placed on the backsplash, be sure to place them at least 15 cm (half a foot) above the countertop. Placing the switch within a cabinet can impede access, so we typically recommend placing it on the backsplash instead. 

Hot Tubs/Whirlpools

While the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) does not require hot tubs and whirlpools to have disconnect switches within sight, they are highly recommended. These switches should be located far enough away that they don’t risk water damage, but close enough that they can be easily accessed. 

Though not strictly related to electrical switches, you may be interested to know that all hot tubs must be connected to a GFCI-protected circuit; these circuits help to prevent electrocution and are commonly used where circuits may come in contact with water. 

Scheduling Installation Service With Powertec Electric

The team of electricians at Powertec Electric takes the guidelines, your needs, and their own experience into account when installing light switches. Looking for electricians in Winnipeg to tackle your next project? Call the pros at Powertec Electric! 

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